

27 August 2021
Written by: Terry Pratchett
Review by: Reece Wijohn
Genre: Fantasy

Mortimer is young, hopeful and looking for work. Death is old, tired of his job and looking for someone else to usher souls to the next life. So he hires Mort to become his apprentice. Unfortunately Mort is very accident-prone and his idealistic views don't work well with being Death.

I love fantasy so when I first started reading this book I was surprised at how little fantasy there was. What I quickly realised was that Terry Prachett books are more a commentary on human nature and society rather than magic and fantasy, and with such great characters I'm very okay with this.

Mort has such a believable naive optimism contrast this with Death and his cold finality makes this novel an absolute treat to read. Not my usual fantasy read but so great I've continued with the other discworld novels.