
Murder of innocence

19 March 2021
Written by: James Patterson
Review by: Dee Atkinson
Genre: Non-fiction
Series: Murder is Forever True Crime

While being a prolific fiction writer, James Patterson and number of coauthors have turned their hand to non-fiction true crime writing. A number of these have been turned into TV series.

Murder of Innocence is one of a number of these that I have read.

While I thought this would cover a number of cases (I didn't read the back first), there was in fact only two covered in this particular publication.

These are written much like a fiction novel would be, but the cases are in fact true. The style of presentation makes them easier to read and this took me no time at all.

Part of the intrigue is that you know that something sinister is happening throughout or going to happen in the end and it's highly engaging.

Murder of innocence: Shocking True Crime Cases: 364.1523PAT.