Join us weekday mornings during the April school holidays from 10.30 – 11.30am in the Cambridge children’s library!
No need to book. Come for as little or as long as you like.
Children under 12 years MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times.
What's On!?
Week 1
Monday 15th April
Make Creature Foot pen pots using paper mâché.
Tuesday 16th April
Use pipe cleaners to create flying magical beasts.
Wednesday 17th April
Draw a creature. Let the dice decide what your creature will look like!
Thursday 18th April
It's a Lego kind of day. Construct a magical hide out or build a beast.
There will be Lego, connecter straws and more to build with.
Friday 19th April
Use physics to help your creatures take flight.
Week 2
Monday 22nd April
Create a magical egg. It could be covered in gems like a dragon egg, or it could dissolve in water like a mermaid's.
Tuesday 23rd April
Hand-sew a simple garden gnome, the uglier the better!
Wednesday 24th April
Bring your love of board games and create your own! Will you be escaping ogres, or rescuing dragons??
Thursday 25th April
Library Closed
Friday 26th April
Craft easy pocket trolls and forest fairies to hide at home.